Fashion and Identity

black dress dress Christian Dior Quote

What message are we sending out about who we are and where did our sense of fashion come from?

Whether it’s an outfit that makes us feel confident, comfortable or even a little sexy, we have the freedom of expression through fashion.

When I was a young girl, I loved playing with my Barbie dolls. I absolutely fell in love with all the different styles of clothing and accessories that were available to buy. But the best part of it was the fact that I got to choose what to buy and how to dress her.
This is where I believe I got my fashion sense.

Of course I love everything about fashion. Yes, I have about thirty pairs of shoes, a dozen handbags, accessories(which is always fun to play with) and clothes galore. But I’m always looking for that one outfit that will allow me to stand out.

We look for that one outfit that exudes confidence when we go for that job interview. Something that shows how professional we can be, and that outfit that is so comfortable it shows how fun and relaxed we can be also.
And of course that sexy little number, whether it’s to get the attention of someone special or to keep that attention.

In any wardrobe I believe you need to have at least one little black dress. Classic and timeless.

What does my wardrobe say about me?
I’m confident, comfortable, fun, ambitious and of course sexy.

What does your wardrobe say about you?

written by Claudia Belair

xoxo R

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