Lacking Motivation?


Sometimes we lose our motivation and become unsure of ourselves. Most of the time all we need is a little push in the right direction to get back on track.

Here’s a link to help you get motivated once again.

Written by Claudia Belair

xoxo R.

Violence Against Women


The time has come to speak out about violence against women.

Every year women and children are kidnapped, beaten, raped, and many are used as sex slaves. It’s time to take a stand. Violence against women and girls needs to end NOW!

violence 1

The following is a free self defense workshop, on Saturday, March 29, 2014, in Montreal.

free workshop

It’s time we take our power back! We are no longer defenseless!

Written by Claudia Belair

xoxo R.

End Violence Against Women

Saturday, March 8th is International Woman’s Day. A day for all women to stand up and join together to help end the violence against women. The following information is taken from the site, International Center for  Research on Women:

Physical, sexual and psychological violence strikes women in epidemic proportions worldwide. It crosses every social and economic class, every religion, race and ethnicity. From domestic abuse to rape as a weapon of war, violence against women is a gross violation of their human rights. Not only does it threaten women’s health and their social and economic well-being, violence also thwarts global efforts to reduce poverty.

refuse abuse

The following offers interesting facts about violence towards women.

Now! Is the time to stop the violence

.Do you have a story you would like to share with us about this issue?


written by Claudia Belair


Female Entrepreneur- Making dreams come true

In honor or Internationl Woman’s Day on March 8th, I had the opportunity to interview a woman entrepreneur, Jennifer Anne Cardone,  who is owner of The Nutopia Holistic Center in LaSalle, Quebec.

The center offers Holistic Therapeutic Massage, Jade Stone Massage, Foot Reflexology & Foot Care, Reiki Energy Therapy and Therapeutic Touch Crystal Healing. A very interesting and relaxing way of life.

Here is the interview:

1)Jennifer, what is it that you do and how long have you been doing it?

I am a holistic practitioner who uses a variety of different modalities such as therapeutic massage, foot reflexology, reiki, sound healing, aromatherapy, bach flower remedies, and crystal healing. I’ve been in the field since 2008, officially opening my business – NUTOPIA holistic center in October of 2010.

Being a holistic practitioner I take the whole person into account, not just the symptoms. I work on all levels of being – physical, emotional, mental and energetic/spiritual, specializing in women’s issues.

2) What made you decide to approach entrepreneurship?

First off I wanted to be able to help people in a more personal way & connect with them on a deeper level. I also wanted to satisfy my need for creativity and freedom by being my own boss.

3) What are some of the obstacles you have had to overcome?

The biggest challenge would have to be establishing myself in my field, getting known & building a stable clientele as well as growing that clientele. Marketing one’s self is a difficult task, especially for someone such as myself who isn’t used to “selling” or boasting about my abilities.

I find that just speaking truthfully about what I do seems to work just fine

With the type of work I do you really need to connect with people & some you just don’t connect with & that’s ok. It’s really getting to know who your ideal clientele is and homing in on them to get your message across.

If it’s meant to be, they’ll come.

4) What is your goal?

My goal is to share my knowledge with those who want to know more.

I always tell my clients that I’m not the one who’s “fixing” them; I just hold the flashlight so they can find their way. By holding space for others and allowing them to come to their own realizations is the most satisfying achievement I could ask for.

5) What would you advise other women trying to start up a business?

Be patient! It’s not going to happen overnight, but it will happen. The adage was a start up takes about 3-5 years to get off the ground, it’s now more like 5-7 years. So if you’re willing to put in the time it will pay off. Networking is a great way to get out there & get yourself known – there are plenty of groups on facebook & meet-up. Also depending what type of business you’re looking into there are also fellow colleagues and support in the form of former instructors or mentors. LOVE what you do – follow your passion & you’ll never go wrong!

Thank you Jennifer and continued success!

Jennifer Anne Cardone

You can visit the Nutopia Holistic Center facebook page.

Why not share your story with us? We would love to hear from you.

written by Claudia Belair


Fashion and Identity

black dress dress Christian Dior Quote

What message are we sending out about who we are and where did our sense of fashion come from?

Whether it’s an outfit that makes us feel confident, comfortable or even a little sexy, we have the freedom of expression through fashion.

When I was a young girl, I loved playing with my Barbie dolls. I absolutely fell in love with all the different styles of clothing and accessories that were available to buy. But the best part of it was the fact that I got to choose what to buy and how to dress her.
This is where I believe I got my fashion sense.

Of course I love everything about fashion. Yes, I have about thirty pairs of shoes, a dozen handbags, accessories(which is always fun to play with) and clothes galore. But I’m always looking for that one outfit that will allow me to stand out.

We look for that one outfit that exudes confidence when we go for that job interview. Something that shows how professional we can be, and that outfit that is so comfortable it shows how fun and relaxed we can be also.
And of course that sexy little number, whether it’s to get the attention of someone special or to keep that attention.

In any wardrobe I believe you need to have at least one little black dress. Classic and timeless.

What does my wardrobe say about me?
I’m confident, comfortable, fun, ambitious and of course sexy.

What does your wardrobe say about you?

written by Claudia Belair

xoxo R

Hatley, The Little Blue House

I love to hear stories on how some businesses got their start. Whose idea was it? How did they come up with the name? How did they overcome obstacles? It just peaks my curiousity.

One story in particular has stayed with me since I learned all about how the company came about. Two years ago I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Chris Oldland of Hatley Clothing. A very successful, family oriented and family run business, which originated in the kitchen of his childhood home about twenty years ago.

John and Alice Oldland were married and raising three boys. In 1984 John decided to leave his job as a high powered advertising executive, and Alice as a nurse in Toronto, to move to North Hatley. He would take a teaching job and Alice, who was a talented painter, decided to open a small gift shop in the front of their house calling it The Little Blue House. In her kitchen she started to paint farm animals. Needing a place to show her paintings, she opened a gallery above her gift shop. Her paintings sold fast. Noticing this, her husband John, decided to try and sell aprons with the farm animals on them. They sold like hotcakes. It started off with cows and pigs, and as the aprons kept selling, they decided to venture into the paintings of other animals, like moose and bears. So the aprons led to gifts and the gifts led to clothing. Farm animals were being depicted on various items of clothing. It was a hit!

When John and Alice retired they handed the business over to their three sons, Chris, Nick and Jeremy.

So Chris became president, Nick, who loved to draw, became designer, and Jeremy took over production.

They pulled together and worked hard to succeed on making Hatley a successful, international, family oriented and fun company. I have visited the warehouse and met with Chris and Jeremy and they are so down to earth. They know each employee by name and it shows how much they love what they do. They are also believe in giving back. They are involved in The Open Door Mercy Home in Tirupur, India. This is an orphanage that houses about 22 boys and girls. And they are also environmetally sensitive.

Once or twice a year they have a warehouse sale in LaSalle, Quebec. I have been many times and I just love their merchandise. Now they sell all kinds fun stuff,  napkins, mugs, a little of everything.

To know more about Hately you could visit their site at

Do you have a story about an enterprise you could share with us?

We would love to hear about it.

Written by Claudia Belair

xoxo R

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day. A day reserved for romance, love, and appreciation. And for some a last ditch effort to make things right. But it’s origins come from an ancient dark place. There are several different legends that have found their way to us through the ages. Here are two of the most popular ones.

It is told that a Christian priest, named St. Valentine, was jailed and executed for performing marriages in secret.
According to legend, during the third century of the Roman empire, Emperor Claudius II came to the conclusion that single men made better soldiers than those who were married. Single men did not have the distraction of a family therefore able to concentrate more on their duties. Emperor Claudius outlawed marriage for young couples in love. Priest Valentine believed this to be unjust and he continued to marry the young couples. When Emperor Claudius found out about this he had Valentine jailed and put to death.

Another legend says that Valentine fell in love with a young girl who visited him often while he was in prison. It is told that the young girl was his jailor‘s daughter. They say that before his death he wrote her a letter and signed it……From You Valentine.
These words are still used today.
These are just a few of the legends about Valentine’s day. But whatever the findings, Valentine’s day remains a day for love and appreciation.

Did you know that February 15th is the day when most break-ups happen? The reason being that some girls believe that after being together for some time, they expect to be engaged by Christmas or New Year’s. When this doesn’t happen they figure they will give their man till Valentine’s day to pop the question, and when the question doesn’t pop, they decide to give up on the relationship.

A lot of men like to give flowers, and they are the most popular gift to give on Valentine’s Day Roses to be exact. Did you know that Eros is the god of love according to the Greek mythology? Eros also spells rose. Chocolate is the second best gift given on this day, and of course being taken out for a meal at a nice restaurant comes in third. Jewelry is also a favorite gift to give. But whatever the gift, it’s the thought that counts. Don’t you agree? Do you do anything special for the love in your life?

I personally like to spend a nice quiet evening at home with my husband on Valentine’s day. A well decorated table with candles and wine and a delicious home cooked meal with interesting conversation. This is how we spend our Valentine’s day. No flowers, no restaurant, no gifts, probably a nice card with touching words but that’s about it. It’s special for us because we are able to truly enjoy each others company and we listen to each other because of no other distractions. We are in tune with each other.

Do you believe that Valentine’s Day is just for lovers?

Have you ever had a memorable Valentine’s Day celebration? If so why not share your story with us.

written by Claudia Belair

xoxo R!